Tuesday, September 13, 1994

Day 32

On the train to Paris and I have one small problem. I must have left my photocopies of some of the sites I want to see in Paris in my other bag.


No, no luck. I have lost it.


I got a hostel to stay in Paris. It is located a little bit outside the heart of the city, but it will do. I should be thankful since I did not have reservations.

I had a moment to reflect about Normandy and the landing beaches today while on the train. In the lull of the English Channel I could imagine the echos of cannons and screams of men. As I walked in the cemetery, the sound of Taps played in my head. It was only in my mind, but the thoughts were appropriate for the time. I wish that I had signed the guest book at the U.S. cemetery. I thought I would have time to sign it after I went down to the beach.


Today I am in Paris. As I explained, I have a hostel already. I went for a walk tonight around the city. I returned after 10:00 and I am now sitting in the main gathering area of the hostel where all of the "people" are at. I quoted "people" because they come from all walks of life. I am from a small town in Iowa. There are Canadians, English, Japanese as well as other Americans.

I saw the Bastille monument today. I have crossed one site off my list of things I "must see". I found it after riding the metro for an hour looking for my hostel. I later went up to the Republic monument and down to the Notre Dame. From Notre Dame I got a glimpse of the Eiffel Tower. It was illuminated -- fantastic sight. I even ate an ice cream cone and a crape. Not bad for trying French culture.


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